Delegates and event in .net

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Delegates and event in .net

Delegate is a C# language element that allows you to reference a method. Delegate is basically a function pointer. A delegate will allow us to specify
what the function we'll be calling looks like without having to specify which function to call. The declaration for a delegate looks just like the declaration for
a function.All delegates are implicitly derived from the System.Delegate class.Delegates are type-safe, object-oriented and secure.

Why developers will use delegate?
Delegates are especially used for implementing events and the call-back methods.
It giving you maximum flexibility to implement any functionality you want at runtime.
if you have multiple methods with same signature (return type & number of parameters) and want to call all the methods with single object then we can go for delegates.
Delegates are used to pass methods as arguments to other methods.
Delegates can call methods synchronously and asynchronously.

There are three steps in defining and using delegates:
• Declaration
• Instantiation
• Invocation

Delegates are two types

-   Single Cast Delegates
-  Multi Cast Delegates

Single Cast Delegates

Single cast delegate means which hold address of single method like :

public delegate double Singel_delegate(int a,int b);              //Declaration Of delegate
class Class1
    static double simple_fn(int val1,int val2)
        return val1*val2;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        //Creating the Delegate Instance
        Singel_delegate delObj = new Singel_delegate(simple_fn);   //Initialization of delegates
        Console.Write("Please Enter Values");
        int v1 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());               //Passing values to Parameter
        int v2 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());              //Passing values to Parameter
        //use a delegate for processing
        double res = delObj(v1,v2);                          //Invoke delegate
        Console.WriteLine ("Result :"+res);                  //Output

Multicast Delegates

Multi cast delegate is used to hold address of multiple methods in single delegate. To hold multiple addresses with delegate we will use overloaded += operator
and if you want remove addresses from delegate we need to use overloaded operator -=
Multicast delegates will work only for the methods which have return type only void. If we want to create a multicast delegate with return type we will get the
return type of last method in the invocation list.

public delegate void MultiCastDelegate(int a,int b);
public class Sampleclass
public static void Add(int x, int y)
Console.WriteLine("Addition Value: "+(x + y));
public static void Sub(int x, int y)
Console.WriteLine("Subtraction Value: " + (x - y));
public static void Mul(int x, int y)
Console.WriteLine("Multiply Value: " + (x * y));
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Sampleclass sc=new Sampleclass();
 MultiDelegate  del = Sampleclass.Add;
del += Sampleclass.Sub;
del += Sampleclass.Mul;
del(10, 5);

Whenever we run above code we will get output like as shown below

Addition Value : 15
Subtraction Value : 5
Multiply Value: 75


Events are user actions such as key press, clicks, mouse movements, etc., or some occurrence such as system generated notifications. Applications need to respond to events when they occur.
A C# event is a class member that is activated whenever the event it was designed for occurs. Events and delegates work hand-in-hand to provide a program’s
functionality. It starts with a class that declares an event. Any class, including the same class that the event is declared in, may register one of its methods for
the event. This occurs through a delegate, which specifies the signature of the method that is registered for the event. The delegate may be one of the pre-defined
.NET delegates or one you declare yourself. Whichever is appropriate, you assign the delegate  to the event, which effectively registers the method that will be
called when the event fires.An event is a two-step process. First, you need to define a delegate type that will hold the list of methods to be called when the event
 is fired. Next, you declare an event using the event keyword. To illustrate the event, we are creating a console application. In this iteration, we will define an
event to add that is associated to a single delegate DelEventHandler
simple example of event in c#

using System;

public delegate void EventHandler();

class Program
    public static event EventHandler _fire;

    static void Main()
 // Add event handlers to Show event.
 _fire += new EventHandler(fn);
 _fire += new EventHandler(fn1);
 _fire += new EventHandler(fn2);

 // Invoke the event.

    static void fn()
 Console.WriteLine("fn Call");

    static void fn1()
 Console.WriteLine("fn1 Call");

    static void fn2()
 Console.WriteLine("fn2 Call");


fn Call
fn1 Call
fn2 Call