A Constructor is a special method in a class/struct with the same
name as that of class/struct without any return type, used to initialize fields
and members of a class/struct; A
Constructor is called automatically when object of class created.We can use constructor
overloading also in the program.
In case of parent child relationship ,when we make the object of
child class, then child class constructor is called and base class default
constructor is executed.
class Program
static void
Main(string[] args)
Derive ObjDr= new Derive ("abcd");
//parameterised constructor of Derive class is called which takes one aguments
and default
//constructor of BaseClass class is called.
Console.WriteLine(ObjDr.BcName); // default
constructor of BaseClass class is called which takes no aguments
Console.WriteLine(ObjDr.DrName); //default constructor of
Derive class is called which takes no aguments
public class BaseClass
string BcName;
BaseClass ()
BcName= "mithun";
Console.WriteLine("Default constructor of BaseClass Class");
BaseClass (string aa)
BcName= aa;
Console.WriteLine("Paramerterise constructor of BaseClass
public class Derive:
string DrName;
DrName= "noha";
Console.WriteLine("default constuctor of Derive");
Derive (string ram)
DrName= ram;
Console.WriteLine("paramerised constructor of Derive");
OutPut :Default constructor of BaseClass Class
paramerised constructor of Derive
If we want to call a specific constructor of the base class
through derive class, then we can specify the "base" keyword with
child class constructor.
In this case the above Derive class paramerised constructor format
will be :
Derive(string ram): base(ram)
address = ram;
Console.WriteLine("paramerised constructor of Derive");
OutPut :Paramerterise constructor of BaseClass Class
paramerised constructor of Derive
Type of
Static Constructor
A static constructor has the same name as the class name but
preceded with the static keyword; it will be called at the time of class load.
• No access specifier for static constructor.
• Static constructor will not return anything.
• Static constructor will accept only static members.
• Static constructor will call at the time of class loading.
• Static constructor will not allow overloading, so there is no
parameterized static constructor.
class StaticExam
public static string country_nm =
// Static Constructor
static StaticExam()
Console.WriteLine("Static Constructor Call...");
Console.WriteLine("{0} is coming from static member",country_nm );
// Parametarized constructor
public StaticExam(string country_name)
Console.WriteLine("Parametarized constructor Call");
Console.WriteLine("Parametarized Constructor Country name {0}",
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Creating object for
StaticExam class by passing parameter
// This will called
parametarized constructor which matches
StaticExam pObj = new
Output :Static Constructor Call...
India is coming from static
Parametarized constructor
Parametarized Constructor
Country name India
Please check the above code,which will show you ones you create
the object of the staticExam class using Parameterised constructor first static
constructor will call
then the parameterised constructor will invoke.
Private Constructor:-
To use a private constructor we should have main function in the
same class, generally we will define constructors in different classes so
private constructors is not that much useful.
In many situation, we may wish to define some utility classes that
contain only static member such classes are never required to instantiate
Creating objects using such classes may be prevented by adding
private constructor to the class. Read this example
class PrivateExam
// Default private constructor
private PrivateExam()
Console.WriteLine("Default Private Constructor...");
static void Main(string[] args)
// This line is very important, because this function is written within
the same class.
// Creating object for
PrivateExam class
// This will called
default private constructor
PrivateExam obj = new
Copy Constructor:-
A copy constructor creates an object by copying variables from
another object. Since C# does not provided a copy constructor ,we must
provide it
ourselves if we wish to add this feature to the class.
Non Static Constructor:-
Non static member are those member which is dynamically changes
over the program. Non Static constructor(Instinct Constructor) is called
whenever object
of the class is created.
Default Constructor:-
A Constructor with no parameter is called Default
Default Constructor is called by compiler when no
arguments are passed to New
while creating an object of class or struct.
If there is no constructor in a
Non-Static class, a Public Default Constructor is provided by compiler so that
a class can be instantiated.
Struct cannot have an explicit Default Constructor (We cannot define an
explicit Default Constructor in astruct
), but
it is always provided by compiler to initialize each field of struct
to its
default value.
while creating an object of class or struct.struct
), but
it is always provided by compiler to initialize each field of struct
to its
default value.
Difference between Static and Non
static Constructor:-
Static Constructor
and Non static Constructor
Static Constructor is called
automatically by CLR when class is loaded in first time in memory
Instinct Constructor (non
static constructor) is called whenever the object of the class is created.
We can pass parameter in in Non static
We cannot pass parameter to the Static Constructor.
There can be only one static Constructor within
the class.
There can be more than one Non
static Constructor within the class.
We can not use any Access specifier in
static constructors
We can use within Non static